PAR GOL Personnel Announcements

Description and Information Notice

Public Notice No. 3/2022 - Update of the Regional Catalogue of training offerings for the implementation of upskilling and reskilling training courses aimed at strengthening employability in Sicily through job reintegration, updating and retraining of workers far from the labor market.

It will be possible to apply no later than 12:00 noon on 30/07/2024

Public Notice No. 3/2022 - Update of the Regional Catalogue of training offerings for the implementation of upskilling and reskilling training courses aimed at strengthening employability in Sicily through job reintegration, updating and retraining of workers far from the labor market.

It will be possible to apply no later than 12:00 noon on 02/16/2024

Public Notice No. 3/2022 - Update of the Regional Catalogue of training offerings for the implementation of upskilling and reskilling training courses aimed at strengthening employability in Sicily through job reintegration, updating and retraining of workers far from the labor market.

It will be possible to apply no later than 12:00 noon on 12/27/2023

Public Notice No. 3/2022 - Update of the Regional Catalogue of training offerings for the implementation of upskilling and reskilling training courses aimed at strengthening employability in Sicily through job reintegration, updating and retraining of workers far from the labor market.

It will be possible to apply no later than 12:00 noon on 04/12/2023

Notice of public selection for the identification of personnel to be employed for the implementation of the Workers' Employment Guarantee Program.

Funding: NRP, Mission 5 "Inclusion and Cohesion," Component 1 "Employment Policies," Reform 1.1 "Active Employment Policies and Training"

Public Notice: no.1/2022 PAR GOL Employment Services Pathways 1-2-3-5 - DDG no. 2346 of 04/10/2022 and DDG no. 2411 of 11/10/2022 - Department of Labor, Employment, Guidance, Services and Training Activities; and Public Notice no.2/2022 PAR GOL Employment Services Pathway 4 - Job Inclusion - DDG no.1724 of 29/09/2022 - Department of Family and Social Policy

It will be possible to apply no later than 1:00 pm on 20/09/2023

Announcement Operator

Professional Figure: Labor Market Orientator/Operator/Specialist.

Location: Catania.

Announcement Director

Professional Figure: Director

Location: Catania.