Description and Information Notice


Program co-financed by the ESF OP 2014-2020

Free courses

Computer operator on devices and networks, of web resources, media communication technician.

Awards for students

Attendance allowance and internships in leading companies in the industry.

Notice of selection of teaching staff for:

Computer operator on devices and networks (644 hrs | Occupational Qualification 3 EQF)

The Computer Operator on Devices and Networks collaborates in the installation, configuration, and maintenance of communication and information processing devices and their connection to a network. He/she collaborates with the technical service department and follows developments in relevant technologies.

Web Resource Computer Operator (644 hrs | Occupational Qualification 3 EQF)

The Web Resource Computer Operator is able to use the operating environment to deal with data of different types and formats, use web resources (the web applications, cloud services, social networks) and shared resources in order to produce documents and share information also on the network. The figure performs specific activities that require knowing how to search, download and customize existing applications, both on the PC and on other devices, in order to improve office activities, with particular regard to sharing information and resources.

Media Communication Technician (972 hrs | Occupational Qualification 5 EQF)

The media communication technician is a figure capable of developing, including coordinating a team, specialized skills in the field of designing integrated communication solutions aimed at promoting companies, products or services. The media communication technician is also able to create a competitive and innovative image on the market using the appropriate media and communication techniques.

Target audience:

he project develops the three lines of action indicated by the MLPS under the NOP Inclusion:

    Action aimed at strengthening welfare services access and social secretariat; professional social service including through a digital platform aimed at supporting the operation of offices for multidimensional assessment of the needs of the family unit and for integrated assignment taking.
    Active inclusion services, actions to increase and complement municipal reconciliation services, childcare and support services for labor inclusion and employability through the provision of internships, guidance, accompaniment, counseling etc.
    System actions aimed at local authorities (social services and employment services), training, social animation, promotion of social innovation.

Sign up now

Documentary audit outcomes

Exit "media communication technician"

When the number of 12 prerequisite students is equal to the number of candidate students, no selection is made and the following candidates are all admitted:

Brancatelli Nicolò

Convertini Marisa

Cuntrò Ivano

Cutuli Alice

Fassari Gabriel

Leotta Emanuele

Messina Rosario

Nicotra Dario

Porcaro Silvia

Russo Vincenzo

Found Silvio

Zappalà Gloria Piera

Outcome "computer operator devices and networks"

When the number of 10 prerequisite students is equal to the number of candidate students, no selection is made and the following candidates are all admitted:

Bellante Giancarlo

Castorina Damiano

Maurizio Cutore

Di Bella Orazio

Finocchiaro Salvatore

Granieri Stefano

Motta Life Marina

Saeli Angela Tiziana

Sciuto Giuseppina

Old Alfio

Outcome "computer operator devices and networks"

When the number of 10 prerequisite students is equal to the number of candidate students, no selection is made and the following candidates are all admitted

Aleo Alfio

Bonaccorso Sonia

Castaldo Nadia

Cosentino Renato

Di Mauro Rosario

Furnari Angelo

Merit Valeria

Romeo Loredana

Sindona M.Cristina

Andrea Spina